



영자신문읽기 - Koean food gains recognition abroad




Korean food


gains recognition abroad



while Koreans are increasingly consuming imported superfoods,


there are also some Korean foods that are recognized overseas for their nutritional benefits.


here are some homegrown foods that have been mentioned in foreign publications 


over the past few years for their health benefits.





In a story covering wando seaweed festival,


held in Korea last setember, the wall street journal highlighted seaweed soup,


traditionally eaten by mothers after giving birth in korea,


as it contains iodine, which helps restore blood and heal wounds.



Shiitake mushrooms


Shiitake mushrooms are commonly eaten in Korea and other East Asian contries.



the Huffington Post ran an article on superfoods in 2013,


in which shiitake mushrooms were mentioned as one of the best sources of vitamin D.





Kimchi was listed as one of the world's Healthiest Foods by Health Magazine in 2008.


The article touted as a 'high - fiber, low-fat; food that was part of


the reason for korea's relatively low obesity rate.





The switzerland-based global health lab published an article on the


benefits of ginseng.


ginseng has traditionally been used as medicine, and its roots contain vitamins and minerals.




over the past few years


over + the + past (last) + 시간


over the past decade


over the last ten years



i have been busy over the past few days.



What is superFood?


superfoods have become a permanent fixture in the shopping bags of health-conscious koreans,


who are known for catching on fast to new global trends.












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